Sarfait ROP border – Sultanate of Oman
COWI Partners LLC – Consulting Engineers and Planners
Hydraulic Study
Consultancy Services for The Assessment of the Hydraulic Risks in Sarfait ROP Border Post in Dhofar Governorate
Consultancy Services for the assessment of
the Hydraulic Risk in Sarfait ROP border
between Oman and Yemen – Sultanate of

The main result of the study is to provide a
comprehensive analysis of the site condition,
and then to find the technical issues that have
generated the land-slide and the other
problems on the existing structures.
The study has been divided in three different
• Phase 1 – Data Collection –in this stage we
collected all the available data related to the
site as well to the proposed construction
• Phase 2 – Site Activities – the knowledge of
the site is important in every civil engineering
project, but in this case, due to the
hydrogeological instability, this activity is
crucial to understand and evaluate the main
causes that have generated the land-slides
and all the technical complications;
• Phase 3 – Risk Analysis – thanks to the
knowledge of the topography and morphology
of the area, it was possible to evaluate the
main technical problems affecting the area,
and then to provide a preliminary analysis of
the mitigation works