Governorate of Dhofar – Aydem Town – Oman
Preliminary Design
Consultancy Service for Pre-Tender and Post-Tender design of the military Aydem Airport in Dhofar Region

Consultancy Services for Redesign of
Sultan Qaboos Street in Salalah

The Runway at Aydem is intended to be
used on a regular basis by military transport
aircraft, type C-130, having Maximum Take
Off weight of 70 tons, which would
generate about 200 ATM (Air Transport
Movements e.g. one landing or take off)
per year with the chances to increase if
conditions require. Occasionally, this air
strip would also be used by fighter aircraft,
F16 type
According to FAA Guidelines, the
requirements for a runway used by aircraft
weighing more than 45 tons are:
• A Granular Sub-base: usually an
uncrushed or a crushed aggregate. This
can be omitted where the subgrade CBR
value is higher than 20.
• A Stabilized Base Course.
• A minimum 100 mm of asphalt
concrete bituminous surface layer.